On 2016 November 8th, I've had the great pleasure to receive the Hume-Rothery award from Martin Cox, IOM3 Vice President.
It gave me the opportunity to know more about the very active Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining.
Even if every material scientist has studied Hume-Rothery work, I had the curiosity to know more about him. I've been very happy learning about his high care in experimental works. Experimental works of high quality are the basis of the modelling work of quality that I try to develop.
I've felt honnored discovering the list of the people that had received this prize before me: 2015 Joseph Robson, 2014 Andre V da Costa e Silva, 2013 Andrew Watson, 2012 Gunter Effenberg, 2011 Fredrick Glasser, 2010 Rainer Schmid-Fetzer, 2009 Philip J Spencer, 2008 J Taylor, 2007 T Nishizawa, 2006 A L Greer, 2005 B Sundman, 2004 M H Rand, 2003 A D Pelton, 2002 N Saunders, 2001 V Raghavan, 2000 A T Dinsdale, 1999 R Ferro, 1998 F H Hayes, 1997 T G Chart, 1996 L Kaufman, 1995 I Ansara, 1994 A P Miodownik, 1993 H L Lukas, 1992 H K D H Bhadeshia, 1991 M Hillert, 1990 D Pettifor, 1989 T B Massalski, 1987 D R F West, 1986 F N Rhines. I've had the chance to meet and interact with many of them. They are higly significant in the field I work. My professional achievement would not have been what it is whithout them.
I've shared the moment with Nils Warnken and Suzana G. Fries that are coworkers as well as friends for long.